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Upcoming Feature - Premium

Ben Maddox ยท Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hope you're having a wonderful day. I'm working on a new set of features. I'll be adding some tools to a premium-only section of the site. This will be supported with subscriptions. Currently I have built the following and there will be more to come.

  • CSV to JSON: Convert a CSV file to a JSON array
  • JSON to CSV: Convert a JSON array to a CSV
  • Slugify Text: Convert your text into a URL-safe format
  • Deslugify Text: Convert your URL-safe format into normal text

My infrastucture to support payments isn't available yet. If you'd like to pay for this early, let me know and I can accept venmo or paypal. benwmaddox+rootbeertext@gmail.com

Best Regards,
Ben Maddox