Hassle-Free Text Manipulation

Root Beer Text is the perfect solution for anyone who needs to manipulate text quickly and efficiently. With a variety of tools available, you can easily format and organize your text, saving you time and energy. Try Root Beer Text today and experience the difference it can make in your workflow!

CSV Template Merge

Take a template and a CSV file and merge them together to create many related files

Open ->

Distinct lines of Text

Enter multiple lines of text and get back just the distinct listings of them

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Sort Lines

Sort Lines all the lines in alphabetic order or natural ordering

Open ->

Change Case

Change case. Lower case, upper case, title case, sentence case, camel case, pascal case, snake case, kebab case

Open ->

Word Count

Count the number of words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs in text.

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Text to Morse Code

Convert text to morse code using the American (Morse) style.

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Morse Code to Text

Convert morse code to text using the American (Morse) style.

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JSON Beautify / Format

Easily format and beautify your JSON files for better readability.

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Trim Trailing Spaces

Easily remove trailing spaces and tabs from your text.

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CSV File Merge

Merge multiple CSV files based on their column names.

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An Introduction

Are you tired of manually formatting and organizing your text? Root Beer Text is here to solve all your text formatting needs! With a variety of tools available, you can easily merge CSV templates, sort lines, and even change the case of your text.

Imagine having to merge a large CSV template with a specific document format. Doing this manually can be time-consuming and tedious. With Root Beer Text's CSV Template Merge tool, you can easily merge your template with any CSV file, creating many related files in just a matter of seconds.

Have you ever needed to remove duplicate lines of text from a document? Manually scanning through a document can take ages, especially if it's a large file. Root Beer Text's Distinct Lines of Text tool allows you to enter multiple lines of text, and get back just the unique listings of them, making it easier and faster to locate what you need.

Sorting lines of text is a critical skill that can save you time when working with large blocks of text. With Root Beer Text's Sort Lines tool, you can sort all the lines in alphabetic order or natural ordering, eliminating the need for manual sorting.

Changing the case of your text can be a daunting task, especially if you're working with a large document. Root Beer Text's Change Case tool allows you to change case quickly and easily. Whether you want to convert your text to lower case, upper case, title case, sentence case, camel case, pascal case, snake case, or kebab case, this tool has got you covered.

In summary, Root Beer Text is the perfect solution for anyone who needs to manipulate text quickly and efficiently. With a variety of tools available, you can easily format and organize your text, saving you time and energy. Try Root Beer Text today and experience the difference it can make in your workflow!